Search Engine Optimization Services

Getting maximum value from the content posted on your website means that people must first be able to find the site! The content itself can be a magnet to attract visitors who are using search engines to find the types of products and services you offer. Keeping search-friendly design in mind and employing approved methods when structuring your website can advance your online visibility. In particular, the mechanisms behind SEM (Search Engine Marketing) and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) enable people to find your site organically. Factors that contribute to appearing on the first page of search results include relevance and quality ranking. Performing well in these areas results from a mix of site content, keyword usage, inbound links, number of visitors, how long users stay on the site, how long the site has been visible in the online world, and more.

While some businesses have the resources and knowledge to handle the nuances involved, make updates, and keep abreast of search engine changes, others may turn to a company like Harris Web Works, who specializes in implementing SEO and SEM processes for clients. We can handle all the strategic and tactical elements of creating a search-friendly website so you can focus on providing what you specialize in, without wondering if people will be able to find your website.

Matt Harris has become an expert in search techniques, trends and nuances and is on the Board of Directors of Search Engine Marketing New England (SEMNE). We’ll apply this knowledge to create a customized plan based on your needs, including the framework, research, a tactical plan, and/or the ongoing legwork. We’ll incorporate best practices and our knowledge of the evolving technologies in the world of online marketing to streamline the process for you and help you generate more leads.

Keywords, Title Tags, Meta Tags, Descriptions

Once they get to your site, you can dazzle them with your content. But first they must get there. Attracting new and returning prospects to your page involves leveraging your content to have the most effective site and page architecture, titles, keywords, and tags. Use terminology your users use to search. Considerations should include whether your business is a service, a local brick & mortar shop, strictly online, B2B, or B2C, as there are different nuances for each. Make sure pages are named correctly in the title tag, meta description and URLs, and properly use headers, subheads, phrases and terms.

Staying Effective as Search Engines Evolve

SEO and SEM are complex and rapidly changing areas of online marketing. Major search engine algorithms evolve – Google Hummingbird, for example, represented a significant advance in search dynamics – and businesses had to adapt their strategies accordingly. Trends play a role too, from the impact of social media networks to using content marketing to get more inbound links.

The Harris Web Works team can help you continually evolve your SEO activities to keep your site sharp, relevant, and “magnetic” in the eyes of search engines and the people searching.