Magento Webinars, Training & Certifications


Discover The Power Of Magento Commerce 2.2
Magento Order Management Demo


Partnership directory, at least four developers to complete the two courses (either or). We got two seats for free and the other two for 15% off.
Link for getting the M2 Trained Solution Partner badge: 
New Business Partners need 4 Trained Magento 2 resources in order to be listed in the Partner Directory. The applicable training include
Fundamentals of Magento 2 Development (Audience: Developers)
Core Principles of Theming in Magento 2 (Developers: Front-end Developers)
It can be any combination of these two classes as long as there are a total of 4 resources trained. Once we have Magento 2 developer certification then that will replace the training.


Magento Solutions Specialist Study Guide (BETA) – M2
Magento Certified Solution Specialist Badge is out 11/02/17
Front End Developer Cert